Slow-henadel: Winter’s Lull on Indian Queen Lane

When we last left the Hawleys, they were hanging artwork on Hohenadel’s walls, decorating their Christmas tree, and getting ready for the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas (Vegas, Baby! Sorry can’t say “Vegas” without a Vince Vaughn reference.) So what’s been happening in the new year so far?

There hasn’t been much work on the house itself, according to Mike Labetti. A few weeks ago, his crew had done some painting of the outside (what an improvement too!), but we haven’t seen them for a while (the ladders are still there). Seems like the work inside has slowed to a stop as Mike and his crew have been quite busy lately at Sherman Mills (hanging about 3,000 LED lights throughout the complex) and other jobs around town.

Sean has been watching the kids while Felicite and her business partner Ryan Buchert have been off in the Nevada desert (temps in the 60s!) networking and checking out the latest Palm Pilot, Walkman, and record turntable. (Did we miss the CES press release about a time machine? And why was it set to the 80s?) Anyway, we’re a little jealous about the weather but not at all about the Vegas trip (Felicite doesn’t seemed all that thrilled with Vegas either.)

To prepare for the long days and longer nights at the after-conference networking parties, both Ryan and Felicite trained weeks before they left. (These guys are Vegas veterans.) Even before the Hawley Christmas tree went up, they were staying up all night, working out regularly, and practicing their “another round” hand signals. They’ll need it—they’re in Vegas for 3 weeks!

What’s after that? With spring not too far off, we’re looking forward to some outdoor events with Ryan and his Scout Troop 42, the Philly Makers. They’re not your father’s (or Alec Baldwin’s) scout troop either.

According to Ryan, his troop is “based on the Baden-Powell Scouts’ Association in the U.K., which follows the original principles of Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the scouting movement.” What’s the difference between them and Boy Scouts of America? They’re co-ed and they don’t discriminate. (Their motto is “scouting for everyone.”)

These guys sound perfect for me. No experience necessary? Check. Not necessarily physically fit? Check. Sign me up!

Unlike my boy scouts’ experience (lots of dull woodworking projects in a church basement), I have a feeling this troop will be a little more adventurous. Ryan is a huge fan of the outdoors, service projects, mountain biking, and urban foraging.

East Falls House.Ryan eats the pineapple

No surprise then that we’ve almost got him sold on a couple offbeat projects for the spring: volksmarching and rooftop camping  somewhere in the Falls.

Rooftop Camping 1

Maybe a couple tents on the roof of Hohenadel? By the giant space dish?

We’ll keep you posted.


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